'SUBSCRIBE to my channel here : https://m.youtube.com/c/EEWorldCook88 About EE World Cook: I am Vina life at Florida, Indonesian American. Happy to cook simple staff for you guys who just learn how to cook. Follow me here https://m.youtube.com/c/EEWorldCook88 https://instagram.com/vina.elalaoui?igshid=i30mm899wsl8 Ingridients: - rice noodle (cooked) - indonesian sambal sauce (skip) - 1/4 cup shirm - 1/2 ts garlic - 1 ts sweat soy sauce - 1 ts kecap or tomato sauce - 3 mashroom - 1 shallot - 1 egg - 2 bok choy - 1 ts corn starch - 1/4 cup water (for mix orn starch) - salt bahan2: - mi kwetiau mateng - 1 st sambel - 1/4 cup udang - 1/2 ts bawput - 1 st kecap (bango) - 1 st tomat (abc) - 3 jamur - 1 bawput - 1 telut - 2 sayur hijau apa aja - 1 st tepung mizen - 1/4 cup air (u/tepung) - garam sesukanya
Tags: masak simple , menu simple , kwetiau basah , resep kwetiau basah , kwetiau kuah , resep kwetiau kuah , kwetiau kuah pedas , kwetiau kuah enak , kwetiau nyemek , kwetiau kuah yang simple , kwetiau siram simple , kwetiau kuah lezat , masak di luar negri , kuetiau siram pedas
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